Assertion of claims (“Geltendmachungen”)

Assertion of claims are formal ways to make a claim. Whenever bosses ignore you, you can let them know that you are serious about something when you do it in a formal way. So assertion of claims are the next step after asking nicely (informally) and the step before going very formal when you #SueYourBoss!

So once bosses get assertion of claims they know: the next step is a lawsuit! This builds up pressure and often leads to bosses giving you what you want.

Below you can find several specific templates for assertion of claims.

Templates for assertion of claims

  • for papers (payslips, certificate of work, HartzIV … )
  • for payments (wages, sick pay, holiday pay, injury pay … )
  • for equipment (work phone, work vehicle, work clothes … )
  • for unlimited contracts

These templates help you to not miss out some crucial part of your claim. For example: The deadline!


There are two relevant deadlines and two excemptions:

  1. Exclusion clauses = Deadlines for workers to make a claim: 3 months.
  2. Fullfilment deadlines = Deadlines for your boss to fullfill your claim: 5-14 days.
  3. Deadline to object against terminations: 3 weeks AFTER termination / end of contract!
  4. Statutory period of limitation (“Verjährungsfrist”): 3 years.


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